Friday, July 31, 2009

Bear and the Dove Studio

I took a yoga class today. I was excited about continuing my practice after my intensive summer course through UW [see previous post: 'Oga]. I found that I was a far better yogi than I had ever been previously. I have taken beginning yoga and pacing myself for a steady 10 years, but I finally see advancement in my personal practice now. It feels effective, productive, therapeutic and great!

But… this new yoga practitioner was like none other! His name is Bear. He is dreadlocked, white, metaphysical, singsong yet monotonous, and I’d like to share a glimpse into his class. First of all he spoke the entire (poorly advertised) 2 hour class. I could never possibly repeat here everything he said, but certain words or phrases really stuck out, so I am jotting them down here to share this almost hilarious yoga experience with you all. The following are snippets that were spoken with a poetic and bizarre cadence that I have attempted to capture here with generic English punctuation.

“blissicipline, and discipline react. Within. The body…

…find your. Self. In a state of relaxment…

…In frog pose, bring your index and middle fingers up, curling your remaining digits inward into your palm and… peace out…

…Find your breath in this pose as you breathe further into it. It is made in Japan, in China, in Asia and you are made. In here. Find this now...

…Perfect. Wow. This pose is speaking of truth. Summer. Barbecues, suntanning—both sides, swimming. Enjoy…

…forty—, thou—, sand… nerve endings in the soles of your feet. 72,000 in your navel—WOW—and only 72 are vital, with 10 the vitalist of them all…

…Your body is made up of at least 70% of water, your mind 80%. Water is truth. Find your truth. Water never lies. Now do you believe that water holds the vibration? Water—wawa wagedesha ohm. Now you know when a child says "wawa," they are speaking of the elements, the vibrations that come easiest to them…

…186,000. Miles per second. Is. Thespeedoflight. Atwhichourbodyand mind. Travel away from your place in this pose and bring yourself into vinyasana even faster than this speed.”

I wish I could recall more. Joey thinks I should bring in a recorder next time…



Julie said...

Thank you for this post. I...laughed. hard. like a swirlball of energy and friction which unite in fire...and then simmer. simmer down all. om be at peace. love you jane!

JANE said...

Julie, you are hilarious. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to contain myself if you had been there with me. xx