Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"Let's do 'oga!" Says this little lady, who then proceeds to climb all over you as you select body positions that will best allow for this new weight lifting form of yoga, er, 'Oga.

I had to take an interesting class this summer, a graduation requirement for my other degree, so every morning I take a yoga class at the university, for credit. This means I had to write a paper. Here is that piece.

Yogic practice includes ethical codes that serve to better one's life. I am to generate my own codes, and they are also 5 yamas (what we should not do) and 5 niyamas (what we should do). The original code of ethics has beautiful Sanskrit names, mine are neither beautiful nor Sanskrit, but I felt like naming them.

Yamas [Watch out and...]

1. Whadacrac Don't be ridiculous. Really, if we consider what being ridiculous often entails we are either being pessimistic which is never healthy or acting outside of generally accepted social norms (this can range from public displays of bodily functions to brining physical injury--or worse--to another human being). It is important to essentially keep your inner-crazy in check.

2. Urwhaueet Don't drink the water. This speaks to "my body is a temple", be careful what you put in there, it has to be digested and absorbed into your amazing but ultimately sensitive liver and alimentary tract. Toxins come in all shapes and sizes and flavors; like expensive antifreeze laced street drugs, or giardia infested unsanitary water or just a second slice of 'death by chocolate' that you know you don't need.

3. Noawphensmahn Don't be surprised if no one likes you. Love thyself, and let others follow. If you are in a place where you are having trouble with daily functioning, let alone making productive contributions to society as a model citizen, than life is going to get tough. Find support resources or coping mechanisms that are effective.

4. Vajaneuh Don't be messy. Yes, clean your home/room/desk. But also clean the entire space you occupy in this world. Pack it in, pack it out. Litter and it will hurt (this slogan was always a stretch for me...) Try not to ignore global climate change. All those toxins mentioned above, and loads more, can pollute our bodies to the point of disease, so don't mess up your body either.

5. Lalalula Please remember to wipe your feet. This means that we should all be tuned into the relationships we inevitably have with those around us. Our cosmic energies, chi's and general life forces relate and interact with everyone we encounter. We should always try to remember that we can cause effect and receive it as well. Tune in when you are feeling out of sorts, only you can direct your own reactions. Be in control, or know when you can be out of it.

Niyamas [Instead we should...]

1. Kairaemacorlynju Always surround yourself with loved ones. As with above, we have the choice to let others influence how we respond to situations and feelings. If you are at least able to conjure up the thought or a memory of a dear loved one in a pinch, then you will find that things become smoother in life. Love is a many splendid thing.

2. Ouagadougou Always leave footprints. Ok, this one means get yourself some much needed time off, and a plane ticket and go see the world! Or a new park. Move and shake. Become connected to the global community by learning and sharing and growing. Open eyes, boundaries and passports. There is nothing more rewarding in this life than to leave the comforts of your own space and the routine to go get lost. When we are lost we find something new.

3. Blahdiblah Always think global and act local. Go global, yes. BUT, consider what this can mean sometimes. Levi's and Nike are made in sweatshops with no labor standards in low-resourced nation-states. Just consider what precious resources it requires to ship produce from the tropics to our huge grocery shops during the winter months. Don't but apples from New Zealand if you live in Washington. Sheesh.

4. Govindajaiajaia Always love and appreciate life and death. These are two very important experiences. They are clearly taboo in our culture, and this needs to be divested. Everyone is born. Everyone dies. Birth and death can be beautiful and meaningful and shared and honored. No one has a grasp on what it all means, see the absolute beauty in this.

5. Mariskahargitay Please remember to sleep and gorge in moderation. Seriously. We sleep too little, and we are really good at gorging ourselves. Reverse it! Indulge in sleep, and restrict obscene intake. Sleep is for healing and rejuvenating, and if you do it right you get to dream. Eating is for fuel and function and if you do it right you get to enjoy it.

Oh, and do 'Oga with a three-year-old. It's fun.

1 comment:

C.Lee said...

I usurp your Oga ethic -- even though (and because) your Janeskrit brings tears to my eyes.