Wednesday, November 24, 2010

* T * S * A *

Happy holidays!

Note: If you want to see a truly happy holiday message see this. As this note is not really very happy at all.

Now if you are like most families the holidays mean a trip to your local airport for a jaunt across the lands to visit places, people, and because the holidays are not without commercialism.. things! Well this holiday, I want you to do something very important. I want you to "Opt Out" of the backscatter x-ray imaging machine at airport security. If you think you might need a bit more convincing than that, then read onward.

1) Don't get voluntarily x-rayed. It's bad for your health. Cells get warped and become more prone to cancer. X-rays are carcinogenic. The more you get the merrier those cancer causing cells proliferate. Think that a little old x-ray won't be as harmful as dental face x-rays or flying in a plane in general or other exposures? Well, just think of it as living in moderation. Decide what cancer causing beams of radiation are worth it and which are not. If you have had cancer or have it now or just don't like the idea or the word cancer, then don't get x-rayed at the airport! The truth is folks, we don't know what levels are cancer-causing, we are all different. The posted toxicity thresholds per TSA are not based on the elderly, children, pregnant women or anyone with any kind of medical condition. We just don't know. It is not worth it.

b) Also, it's a nude shot. If this bothers you (transgenedered, woman of Islam who cannot be viewed by a man other than her husband, child, modest anybody) then great! Don't get x-rayed for those reasons, whatever your reason, don't get x-rayed. OPT OUT.

$$) Health or Nudity aside the reason we all of a sudden have these intense homeland security devices is because Michael Chertoff, who used to be the Secretary of Homeland Security under Bush, is currently a paid lobbyist for the manufacture and installation of the "backscatter body scan machines". That, my friends, is corruption, fear-mongering, abuse of power for direct financial gain, and pure absurdity at it's finest.

2) Ok, so this means you are signing up for the grope. Please refrain from using the euphemism "enhanced pat down" because it is a grope. Please announce, "I opt out of the x-ray, can I please be felt up instead?" or "Nope, no radiation for me, please show me your best moves!"

d) Fine, maybe that doesn't sound good either. Then there are two options:

!) Don't fly. Staycation it up! This is easy for some to say, I bought tickets to Mexico for the holidays, before TSA bought the right to get in my underpants, and I want to go to Mexico damnit.

A) Write to your senators, and congressional legislators. I have already taken liberties to provide email addresses, phone numbers and canned letters. Feel free to edit them as you see fit. I became a little emotion-heavy at the end of mine. Do with it as you will.

Phone statement for Maria Cantwell's voicemail (202) 224-3441: "I think that the TSA has gone too far. Body scanning and inappropriate groping are unconstitutional and wrong. If you want my vote, change the policy."

Write to Senator Maria Cantwell:

Write to U.S. Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington's 5th Dist.:,82

This is what I wrote each of them:

Dear Cathy McMorris Rodgers/Senator Patty Murray/Senator Maria Cantwell,

I am writing to you to urgently request your immediate support and action to become a co-sponsor of the crucial legislation that is H.R. 6416: The American Traveler Dignity Act in Congress. 

Dispersed ionized radiation in backscatter scans are clinically harmful to soft tissue. The threshold is listed in media publications as requiring 1,000 scans in one year. This exposure is carcinogenic and the threshold is not based on children, the elderly, pregnant women or individuals with medical complications or conditions. It is absolutely detrimental to our health. 

"Enhanced pat downs" are a despicable, unwarranted invasion and sexual assault on our children, pregnant wives, elderly mothers, mentally disabled adults and everyone in between.

I have rights. I have the right to not be subjected to harmful x-rays that take and save photographs of my naked body. I have the right to not be sexually abused by a stranger.

Women of religious sects that forbid the opposite gender's viewing of their bodies is violated. 

Children, your innocent kids or grandchildren, are defenseless against this horrendous invasion and molestation of their private bodies.

Survivors of rape and incest are irreparably traumatized by airport security.

This is disgusting. I want to fly my pregnant sister, her husband, and their 4 year old daughter out to see me and my family for Christmas, and I refuse to have them radiated or sexually abused because they might have toothpaste in their luggage. 

This has got to stop. I am sick with hatred for what our country has become. Not because of terrorists but because of fear and power.

Stop. Stop allowing TSA personnel access to my little niece's privates! Is that too graphic? Better x-ray through her princess jammies and save an image of her nudity in some database instead then. 

Dear Senator/Cathy/Patty/Maria, please help us put an end to this crime.


Enraged citizen.

Incidentally here is a list of possible options to recite during your friendly safety grope:
·      Oh, you've just got to teach my husband that technique!
·      Here's some hand sanitizer, you'll want this afterward.
·      [commence "When Harry Met Sally" bogus orgasm sequence]
·      Since I paid for first class, I get a happy ending with this right?
·      I have bed-bugs/lice/crabs/scabies. 
·      Reveal your naked-self underneath your trench-coat and shout "I got naked for national security!
·      Well, that was humiliating for the both of us.
·      That was wonderful, where can I leave a tip?
·      [initiate crying sequence]
·      Turn your head to the side and cough.
·      Look the agent directly in the eye and simply state "thank you for groping me."

And if this post has left you feeling distraught, here are your actual rights: You do not have a constitutional right to buy an airline ticket (air travel is a privilege not a right, it is voluntary), therefore it cannot technically violate the 4th amendment--which this otherwise totally violates! You have the right to opt out of the x-ray scan, which means you are subjected to a "grope." If undergoing a grope, you have the right to a same-sex groper, you have the right to be groped in private instead of public, and you have the right to have a support person present for your groping. Don't forget to say something awkward to your TSA Groper so they feel uncomfortable, but not threatened, you don't want things to escalate and end up on a No-Fly list or worse.

One more thing, many stories I have read about personal experiences, relate that the larger the group of people opting out the more likely the TSA crew is to just pass you through the original wand scanners out of annoyance for slowing down the line. So get there early. Talk to people in line around you. Encourage others to opt out for their safety. Take the time, and make the airlines and TSA personnel complain that the expensive x-ray machines aren't worth it. And write to your politicians, this is the only way to stop this ridiculous power-trip.

Thank you for you time readers, may you travel this holiday in peace and solidarity, without fear, radiation and molestation!


JANE said...


JANE said...

Ok less humor, more evidence. See this research:

Katy said...

Here are some more things to say:

"Shouldn't I get dinner or at least a bit of wine before we start?"

"I saw you with that other could you!"

"My number is (509) me."

"Are you using protection? If not I have my own in my you can probably see."

"Wait wait wait...that's it?! Oh, I see, you're only concerned with your own pleasure?! Cad!"