Friday, October 23, 2009


Here are seven seconds full of so many emotions I just couldn't contain myself.

Heehheeeehe! She's so funny when she's on Ativan.

Little miss Alayla is doing much much better. Her burn injuries are healing, her care has been consolidated and perfected, her meds have been figured out, she has actually been seen by her doctor (the burn and plastics specialist), she's eating and starting physical therapy and at this rate she will likely go home in the next couple of days.

Also, in case anyone didn't already know this, my sister (Alayla's mommy) is the most amazing, stoic, infinitely patient, wonderful mommy in the world. I love you Stine!

And "Sanks guys!" to everyone who has sent well-wishes, thoughts, reiki, prayers, toys, cards, emails, treats and lots and lots of love and support.

1 comment:

JANE said...

This week's Horoscope for Sagittarius 10/22-10/28 '9

The average middle class person alive today has more goodies than the kings and queens of times past. In fact even during this time of economic entrenchment most of us have a higher standard of living than 99% of all the humans who've ever walked the planet. In pointing this out I don't mean to discount the suffering of those who lost their jobs or homes but I think it's helpful to keep our collective deprivations in perspective. Similarly I like to remember that no matter how much our personal trials may test us they are more bearable than say the tribulations of the generation that lived through the great depression and world war II. keep this is mind Sagittarius as you wander in the limbo between the end of one chapter of your life story and the beginning of the next chapter. It'll really help to stay conscious of how blessed you are. Halloween Costume suggestion: A Saint tending to the needs of the dispossessed and underprivileged.

Incidentally she wants to be a butterfly blossoming out of her cocoon bandages :)