For me, so far, the quarter life crisis has been fantastic (it was mentioned to me that it cannot technically be a crisis then..) but I moved into my own place, I pop about 12 vitamins, minerals and supplements a day, including nutrient-rich alfalfa infused drinks--the chlorophyll I brought back from Bali. I exercise and dance to my heart's content and, oh yeah, had my nostril studded with a rhinestone. Not too bad really.
Then, for the clincher; this year I went to Miami for Spring Break, South Beach baby! I went to visit a girlfriend of mine, one I've known since we were 6 and 7 years old. She is a pastry chef at an uber swank hotel in Miami Beach. Miami has got to be one of the most fascinating cities in this world. It is so colorful, everything is pastel or flourescent, all is bright, which is perky and great, but then there are the Miamese..
People are amazing. I honestly felt like a naive farm girl. Miami is only-one-article-of-clothing-necessary if not clothing-optional entirely; your choice article can be namely a longish top, OR bottoms. Simply the bikini or speedo will do just fine as well. And anything that offers full view and leaves nothing to the imagination as far as shape, size, color or otherwise of any normally covered part of the body, is perfectly acceptable. I've witnessed many lifestyles, and I can appreciate the naked human form like no other, but I was caught gawking! I'm convinced that no where else are the '80's so alive and vibrantly celebrated as South Beach Miami during the Spring Break season. For full effect, Pflueg's husby Craig repeatedly sang me "Joey" by Concrete Blonde--a classic '80's jingle that was music to my ears this week in all this pastel and cheesy class (oh yes, cheesy class, apparently is not an oxymoron). Sadly, my fanny pack didn't actually fit the bill, where is that old black and hot pink nylon number anyway??
My first encounter with Miami folk was walking down the street with coffees and chocolates from Pflueg's pastry shop where an older babushka woman linked arms with a young woman wearing trendy scrubs, she swerves her body in front of us and says in a thick Slavic accent: Hyou dvinking Vodka??!! Ah the beauty and sadness of dementia, I'm sure she's not allowed, but would absolutely feel divine after a swig!
In light of the "crisis" I had been seriously considering a tattoo, which I figured Lynette would fully support as she has made a beautiful canvas of her own rad self. But, Lynette, being the all practical one, told me to try a pseudo tat first that would last one month. I wanted it on the back of my neck, but couldn't decide what to get. After contemplating getting just any old thing put there just to see what having something there was really like, I freaked out. Ohmysoul, thank goodness, but no thank you.
Ms. Lynette Louise and I had a proper catching up not to mention I finally met her husband of nearly two years! A charmer to be sure. I'm hoping they move closer someday, but not before I can pop back over for another guilty pleasure* visit to the wonder that is Miami...
*Next time I'm schlepping my white trousers and any and all pastels and flourescents I may possibly own! When in Miami wear blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick, huge earrings and your bikini for a bra with the best of 'em!
Wish I could pull off orange shades, hot pink bikini and blue eyeshadow in Seattle... Thanks for the make-over babe!